
Designed for children age 2-5 using inhalers with a spacer and a mask, Rafi-Tone is a fun app to make inhaler use less scary. It works alongside the Able Spacer and innovative whistle mask specifically designed to encourage good technique and develop confidence.

Trainhaler Buddy

Trainhaler is a pMDI training system which provides flow and co-ordination coaching. A simple device containing no medication or aerosol. Trainhaler Buddy is a companion app which provides real-time, visual feedback – helping develop effective pMDI technique.

We understand that as clinicians you are busy and want to do the best for your patients. The range of inhalers available and the different techniques needed can make things tough. Our technology offers the opportunity to simply and quickly talk about inhaler technique with your patients, and even check your own technique! All using low-cost hardware and the power of your mobile phone.

For young children, Rafi-Tone can help children accept the medication and parents to understand the importance of an effective technique, allowing you to concentrate on other aspects of your patient’s care.

Trainhaler Buddy focuses on pMDI technique, use training inhalers and real time visual feedback to guide the effective technique and embed the habit which can then be transferred to the active inhaler.

We are working on new ideas to develop the technology into a technique and adherence monitor. This will offer a solution allowing greater insight into how your patient is using their inhaler away from the clinic. Making inhalers smarter in a cost effective and sustainable way – using the power of Sound Response.

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